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Board Meeting

06/04/2017 2:00 PM | Anonymous

Kentucky Theatre Association

Board of Directors Meeting 

Sunday June 4, 2017

Lexington Children’s Theatre



Wayne Kirsch, Jeremy Kisling, Kim Miller, Zach Ross, Alicia Henning, Dawn Connerly, Brad Downall, and Phil Neace


Sarah Diamond Burroway and Shelby Steege (on the phone)




2:00pm Welcome


2:10pm Conference call starts


Additions to Agenda

  • Nothing New


Approval of Minutes

  • Jeremy moved to approve, zach 2nd
  • All Approved with the change to SETC acronym in the minutes


Treasurer’s Report

  • We are where we were at from the beginning of the year (nothing changed with MG festival)


2017 Proposed Budget

  • Change- we have agreed to support for SETC to $500 per school
    • Suggested we change the amount based on the distance the festival is each year (more further away, less closer to home)
      • Could be an issue from year to year change since some schools would get
    • Suggested that we link the amount to milage
      • Possibly a flat fee plus an amount per mile
    • Suggested that for THIS year we hold to the increased rate and see how that works for this year
      • Suggested that we explore funds from other sources to assist schools (some states get grants from the state to help not just the state Theater Association)
  • Membership Seems low
    • We should be striving for that to increase
    • What should it be- closer to $2,000
      • All the board members, schools, community theaters pay for registration (should be about $1,500)
  • Usually the audition registration is lower
    • Closer to $8,000
    • Suggested that maybe we could keep it up if we offered trying to organize some form of transportation that the auditionees pay for.
      • Would be a lot to organize for this year
    • We had a lot of “out of state” auditionees due to our date being later in the season
  • We lower the audition to $8,000 and increase the membership to $2000 we would be $1,000 off
    • Suggested we plan for more Middle School entries
    • Suggested that we do a per performer fee for Community Theater (more like SETC)
    • Suggested we do a performance fee and then an additional fee (like $15 per performer)
      • Would the performers expect something more for this (like a t-shirt, ect)
        • We will table this for now
  • Concerns about expenditures
    • There is currently nothing in the SETC rep line
      • Usually $850 to offset the cost for the Fall and Spring meetings
  • The High School Festival registration is also a little low
    • Possibly closer to $2,800
  • Will Jeremy be conference coordinator again this year?
    • Someone should possibly train with Jeremy (co-coordinator?)
    • We need someone at the registration table
      • Suggested
        • College student
        • Board members sign up
        • Pay someone (give them a flat fee?) / intern
        • Add: $500 to budget for hotel/ small stipend
    • There would be some travel cost for  Conference coordinator
      • Much of it can be done by phone
      • Maybe Brad and Jeremy does it this year and create a manual
  • Are we okay with having a budget that is not balanced (at least on paper)
    • We do have money in reserve
    • If we approve the budget with changes it is $2,775 off
      • Motion made and approved to approve budget with the understanding that we will have to dip into our cash reserves for this year to offset the budget.
        • Jeremy moves for approval and Alicia seconded
  • Membership building
    • Do we give them anything for their membership
      • Letter? Pin? Pen?
      • Do we remind them about renewal


Committee Reports/Discussions


Middle School Festival- Sarah Diamond Burroway

  • Best festival EVER!
  • 5 entries
    • A 6th that dropped out due to having a cast of MS/ HS
  • PD was very popular (for teachers and students)
  • Thanks Jeremy and Phil for their assistance
  • How can we help to make connections from the Middle Grades festival to High School festival
  • Will need support from board members for PD opportunities
  • Zach- What can we add to the website (we have an outdated info)
    • Sarah and Zach discuss info to add to the website
    • Registration info and basic festival info
  • Venue?
    • Looking at keeping it in Central Kentucky
    • Possibly back to Spencer County for 5th season


High School Regionals  Locations/Dates- Brad Downall

  • All 5 sites and dates confirmed
    • Western- Sept 30th- Owensboro High School
      • Brad Downall coordinator
    • East- Oct 7th- Corbin High School
      • Kim Miller Coordinator
    • Northwestern- Hardin County Schools PAC- Oct 14
      • Bart coordinator
    • Northern- Scott HS- Oct 14
      • Wayne Kirsh Coordinator
    • Central- Frederick Douglas HS- Oct 28th
      • Dawn Connerly coordinator


Adjudication Sheet Discussion- Jeremy Kisling

  • Jeremy came up with a draft that was based on Virginia model
  • Creating a system that would allow us to possibly send on alternatives to State but it needed to be a scored not just feedback
  • We need to create a rubric to show what a “four” looks like… a “three” etc
    • Would like to High School teacher reps and not teachers to create rubrics
  • Is it similar to SETC?  Is the technical at this level for SETC?
    • Kentucky schools consistently don’t perform at the same technical level as other schools.
  • Will this be used at state as well as regionals
    • Does not have to be used at State
    • Was designed to create a numerical system for regionals
  • Left as a work in progress to check with how it aligns with SETC AND create rubrics
    • Phil, Alischa, Jeremy, and Brad will work
  • Sarah suggested to see how it could be used for Middle Grades


Community Theatre- Brad shared for Lisa

  • Community Theatre and their relationship with SETC
    • Read SETC letter
    • SETC created a fee just for CT (less than what HS pays)
      • At State level there is not a lot of participation and CT do not have a lot of money to pay for this
        • Should CT members pay full dues and fully be a part of the conference
        • Should CT become a separate conference
          • Sarah suggested it be separate because the way the time is set up for CT shows it does not allow for them to participate in the full conference
          • If CT splits off what would stop the High School not to want to split off
            • HS has similar issues with not being able to fully participate in the conference
          • Simual issues happened in Indiana and they split off.  It was best for the Community Theaters
        • Jeremy needs feedback before Fall meeting Sept 9-11th

Website- Zac Ross

  • Are we doing a good enough job sharing with people across the state what KTA does?
  • Does our Website give enough information about what we do?
  • Zach had a new teacher look at the website and she had a lot of questions.
    • Give a bigger overview of what each section of the website to give a “new to KTA” view of what we do and what KTA is all about
    • This would help with membership
  • About Us page
    • What does our mission mean more specifically?
    • What do we do more than just festival
  • Membership
    • What do people get as members?
      • Possible ideas
        • An event calendar where members can promote their events
        • Discussion board
        • Audition and work opportunity boards
        • Teacher- resource sharing (shows and lessons)  
        • Membership spotlight
        • A members section
          • How would we do log in?
            • Possibly adding memberpress that allows this pretty easily and is inexpensive $99/ year
            • Simple to use/ it is user generated
            • Might need for all membership to be done online
            • Would need to make sure that there is a way for paying through purchase order for Schools
      • Do we need to monitor the Facebook page differently if we offer this?  Something to discuss in the future.

Roots of the Bluegrass

  • Entry form is ready to be sent out
  • Updated a new e-mail address
    • We have a registered e-mail for KTA that email will just forward to who ever is connected to the e-mail
  • Added a paragraph that says that they need to agree to KTA cutting their play for performance at the RotB performance
  • Kathi said that she is a tentative yes to assist with the cuttings again this year if she can.
  • Hoping to get it out tomorrow 6/5/17


SETC- Jeremy Kisling

  • States have discussed with SETC about getting liability insurance for all state groups to save money
  • States may be asked to kick in money to create an app for festival
  • Let Jeremy know if there is anything you want taken to the Fall meeting



  • No update

State Conference- Brad Downall

  • Kim said all sites have been reserved
  • Can Kim put together a list of hotels and food/ restaurants for our members


New Business

  • Board member pledge/ outline commitment for board members
  • Aug 27th 2-4pm meeting will be onsite meeting for final conference plans
  • End of Sept.- conference call to finalize regional

4:00pm Adjourn

  • Kim Miller Moved to Adjourn and Wayne Seconded

Kentucky Theatre Association

418 W Short Street | Lexington, KY | 40507

Donate to KTA

Goal: $1,000.00
Collected: $637.77

© 2018 All Right Reserved. Kentucky Theatre Association is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.

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