Kentucky Theatre Association
Board of Directors Meeting
Sunday, August 27, 2017
Jenny Wiley Theatre, Pikeville, KY
Present: Sarah B., Lisa C., Brad D., Bill F., Wayne K., Jeremy K., Kim M., Phil N., Kim W.
(on phone) Kathi E., Alana G., Jane M., Zack R.
The Board toured the facilities at the Jenny Wiley Theatre and U. of Pikeville.
Minutes of the June 4, 2017, Board meeting were reviewed. Lisa moved to approve the minutes; Sarah 2nd; and the motion carried.
Kim M. gave the treasurer’s report. The insurance was paid ($795 for half). No other major items were incurred. Jeremy moved, and Phil 2nd, to approve the treasurer’s report. Motion passed.
Jeremy reported on SETC. There are mini-grants available to help with screening auditions. Secondary auditions will be held at the Central Office. They are looking at ways to consolidate auditions in order to cut costs. The SETC Fall meetings will be on Sept. 8-9. Jeremy will look to recruit some adjudicators. He will email the Board about any key issues that arise from the meetings.
The High School Regionals were reviewed. Some Board members were lined up to help with different Regionals. More will be recruited. Invitations will go out to the schools, beginning this week. Jeremy presented a draft of the adjudicator’s score sheet and rubric guidelines. Some tweaks were discussed, but the consensus is to go with this form. Jeremy will update the forms and send them out to the Board this week. They will then be put on the website and sent to the schools. One question to be looked at by the Board: What if 2 or more schools have the same scores? The rubric will be checked to see how it aligns with the Middle School standards, so it could be used for their festival as well.
Membership forms were discussed. Can these be combined with registration forms as one document? Can these be put on the website as a fill-in document and submitted electronically? Can payment be handled through the website, either by a P.O. number or payment with credit card or PayPal? Most of these are probably doable, but there is not sufficient time to get this done now. The decision was to go with a pdf form this year, and look into the electronic system following State Conference.
Hotels in and around Pikeville have been contacted for rooms during the Conference. The Hampton Inn, Hilton Gardens, and Holiday Inn Express will be available, with costs around $99-$109 per night. Details, with links, will be posted on the Conference page of the website.
A list of staffing needs will be provided to Kim, to help recruit students to work during the Conference. Adjudicators will be sought through SETC and others, aiming at getting adjudicators from out of state.
Professional Development has not been a part of State Conference for several years. [It has been included in the Middle School Festival.] There is a request to start offering it again, but it is difficult to fit it in at Conference due to time constraints with so many activities now. It was suggested we look at offering P.D. sessions at various other times during the year.
Venues to be used for the State Conference: C.T. at the Jenny Wiley Theatre; H.S. at the Booth Theatre – U. Pike; Screening Auditions at the Chrisman Auditorium – U. Pike; Roots/Bluegrass at the Jenny Wiley Theatre. A tech rider for each venue needs to be sent out to participants.
Roots of the Bluegrass entries have been received. Judges are being lined up. Once decisions are made, they will be passed on for cutting and prep for performance.
Screening auditions will start registering after Labor Day and continue to around Nov. 1st. Due to our Conference being held later, we could see big numbers again.
Brad asked everyone to give consideration to nominations for the Karen Willis Award. Anyone with a nominations should send the information to Brad.
Zack has been working on updates to the website. Anyone with info to be added should send it to Zack. He will investigate options for adding PayPal or credit card payments through the system.
The next Middle School Festival will be held on March 17th, 2018, at Shelby County Middle School. This is the 5th year for the festival, and it’s returning to the site of the first one. Any ideas for workshops, for students and/or teachers, should send them to Sarah.
A nominating committee needs to be appointed. Brad, Sarah, and Kim W. will make up the committee. If interested in serving on the Board, or know someone who is, please contact one of the committee. We’ll need to get their info, resume, “Why they want to be a Board member?”.
On the KCAE front, the “Every Student Succeeds” bill had its 3rd reading recently. All schools, all students, all levels are to be provide opportunities in the visual and performing arts. However how much time is to be provided is uncertain. Schools can satisfy staffing needs with only 2 persons, e.g. nurse/counselor; librarian/nurse; etc. More info is available upon request.
Questions concerning C.T. festival were posed: (1) a need for clarity and consistency in the rules followed; and (2) scheduling excerpts (1st in gets preference?). These will be investigated before this year’s festival.
There was also a question regarding the timeliness of reimbursements. An attempt will be made to have payments sent as soon as possible.
Brad will send out a Doodle poll to see about dates/times for another Board meeting before Conference, possibly a phone-in meeting.
With no further business brought forth, a motion to adjourn was made by Lisa, seconded by Kim M. Meeting was adjourned.