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Board Retreat

02/02/2019 12:30 PM | Anonymous

Kentucky Theatre Association
Board of Directors Retreat
Saturday, February 2, 2019
Lexington Children’s Theatre, Lexington, KY

Present: Ariadne C., Dawn C., Brad D., Kathi E., Alana G., Cathy G., Tamara I., Wayne K., Jeremy K., Rowan M., Phil N., Zackary R., Kameron S., Shelby S., Tracy W., Kim W.

On Phone: Jane M., Sarah B.

Absent: Cheryl B., Todd R., Brittany S., Alicia H. (stepping down from the Board)

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The meeting was called to order at 12:37 p.m., by President Brad Downall. Introductions were made by all in attendance and on the phone.

The minutes of the November 16, Conference meeting were distributed (and had been sent out to Board members previously). Alana moved, and Tracy seconded, to accept the minutes as written. The motion was approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Jeremy presented the final budget report for fiscal 2018. The totals show income was $417 more than expenses. Screening auditions will be handled by SETC now, but does not change our income too much.

They are working toward charging a flat fee for auditions in all states. Phil moved to approve the 2018 final report. Shelby seconded the motion, which passed.

Jeremy then presented a proposed budget for fiscal 2019. SETC entries expenses had to be corrected to $4,000. Corresponding increases were made for the income from auditions and HS Festival registrations. A balanced budget of $25,500 was approved, after a motion from Kathi and second from Tracy.

SETC Report – SETC is beginning a mentoring program for people interested in learning to be a State Rep to SETC. A designated person would have some expenses covered (including Conference registration) while they “learn the ropes” of the position. Four Board members are interested in this program. Rowan has already registered for the

Conference; Jeremy will check to see if her registration can be changed in order to be the KTA mentee.

Upcoming SETC sites – 2019: Knoxville, TN; 2020: Louisville, KY (Feb. 26 – Mar. 1); 2021: Cincinnati, OH. SETC will be finding State adjudicators for all state festivals.

MS Festival – Sarah reported there are currently 6 entries, with up to 2 spaces remaining open. They will need adjudicators (recommended 2). These may have to have background checks, if they haven’t already had one. There still room for additional student workshops, as well as teacher PD opportunities. All are invited to attend, March 23, at Paul L Dunbar High School, in Lexington.

HS Festival – A number of directors have requested holding a “town meeting” with members of the KTA Board, to discuss festival adjudication – specifically the disparity between regional and State adjudications. The atmosphere at this year’s regionals was very positive and welcoming. It was suggested to possibly send out a survey regarding last year’s events and input for the future. This could be followed up with face-to-face meeting(s), possibly something at the Middle Grades Festival. Anyone with suggestions of questions for the survey should send them to Jeremy SOON.

There is a need to determine regional sites and dates soon – to be announced before the close of school this year. [KY Thespian Festival is Oct. 19.] We should also start looking at a possible model of a 2-day festival and/or expanding the number of regions.

Community Theatre – Wayne and Todd are working on updating a complete database of theatres and contacts.

President’s Report – Brad mentioned we need to identify specific Board duties vs. Conference duties.

The Roots of the Bluegrass – Cheryl will not be chairing this year, so another chairperson is needed.

State Conference – Ari and her committee at U of L are busy working on this. The university is totally on board with support of this event, which is Nov. 22 – 24, 2019.

With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 2:06 p.m. After a brief break, the members moved to a Strategic Planning session.

Kentucky Theatre Association

418 W Short Street | Lexington, KY | 40507

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Goal: $1,000.00
Collected: $637.77

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