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Board Meeting

09/11/2019 1:00 PM | Anonymous

Kentucky Theatre Association

Board of Directors Retreat

Saturday, September 14, 2019

University of Louisville, Thrust Theatre, Louisville, KY

Present:  Ariadne C., Dawn C., Brad D., Alana G., Wayne K., Phil N., Todd R., Zackary R., Shelby S.

On Phone:  Cathy G., Kameron G., Tamara I., Jeremy K., Rowan M., Jane M., Brittany S., Kim W.

Absent:  Cheryl B., Sarah B., Tracy W.

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The meeting was called to order at 1:04 p.m., by President Brad Downall.  Introductions were made by all in attendance and on the phone.

The August 10, 2019, conference call minutes were distributed (and had been sent out to Board members previously).  A correction was made in the starting time (a.m., not p.m.).  Kim moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Zack.  The motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report – Jeremy had sent information regarding finances.  He mentioned the bank balance is around $29,000.  Brad announced there had been a problem with tax forms not properly filed in the past, but Jeremy has been working to correct the situation.  The job of filing tax papers in a timely manner will now be identified as part of the treasurer’s job.  Ari moved, and Phil seconded, to approve the financial report.  The motion passed.

SETC Report – Jeremy sent his report from the last SETC meeting.  He highlighted a few key issues:

(1)   giving gender-neutral awards; (2) determining a policy on home/charter schools’ participation in festivals; (3) identify a mentee candidate for KTA to the SETC Conference.

Discussion was held on the awards issue.  It was moved by Shelby, seconded by Ari, to have two “Outstanding Performance in a Lead Role”; two “Outstanding Performance in a Supporting Role”; to be given at all festival levels.  Further discussion was held regarding other options, followed by a vote on the motion, which passed.  [The “Newcomer Award” will continue at State, and “Ensemble Award” may be given by adjudicators as a discretionary award.]

HS Festival – Registrations are coming in nicely.  Northwest is at its maximum with 9, and will hold performances on Friday and Saturday.  Information about dates and times need to be sent to school asap; and adjudicators will need hotel accommodations, due to the overnight.  Current numbers in other Regions:  East – 4; West – 3; Central – 6; North – 3.  More schools have indicated possible entries.  Brad is working on gathering adjudicators for each of the Regionals.  It was noted that some dates coincide with testing programs, causing problems for schools participating in festivals.

A high school social/activity is being planned for the State Conference, if space is available at U of L.  It would be on Friday night after workshops, and advanced registration for this activity (with fee collection) will be needed.  [It was suggested to check the schedule to avoid conflicts with the Board meeting.]

Roots of the BluegrassCathy offered thanks to Jane, Ari and Alana for agreeing to be judges.  She has been able to recruit 10 additional judges; so we are in good shape for the entries we have so far. There was concern about "required" formatting, so it was changed to "suggested" formatting.   There are currently 20-25 short plays entered, and about 5 full-length entries.  Deadlines are Sept. 15 for 10-minute plays; Oct. 15 for full-length shows.  Zack made a great looking logo for ROTB.  Info will be forwarded to Ari to get casts/directors  for the winning shows.

Community Theatre – There have been no registrations yet.  It was suggested to put the festival info on the KTA Facebook page.  We have heard of a couple of theatres looking into participating.  Registration deadline is Nov. 1.

It would help in recruiting theatres if we had a written document/brochure defining the benefits of membership in KTA.  Brad asked for volunteers for a committee to work on this issue.  Appointed to this committee were Shelby, Kim, Todd, and Zack.

State Conference – Most of the details have been discussed in the area reports.  A walking tour of the facilities at the U of L will take place immediately following this meeting.  The Hilton Garden Inn will be used for the Conference; 208 rooms at $99/night.  Jeremy is working on getting other hotel accommodations.

Middle Grades Festival – Sarah sent her report.  She is working on a venue for the festival (most likely in Taylorsville), and hopes to have a festival date soon.  Any workshop presentations or volunteers from the board are welcomed. Supporting the Middle Grades Festival growth would be a great way for new (and existing) members to engage in KTA.  It’s a fun event. If interested, please text or call Sarah at 606-922-2903.

President – Brad needs to set a nominating committee, to gather candidates for Board positions as well as the Executive Committee.  From those volunteering, the committee was set as Tamara, Alana, Ari, Rowan, and Brad.  Information should be sent out on social media and other resources, asking for prospective candidates.  It was asked if there are certain areas/interests that would be helpful on the Board.  Suggestions included professional theatre, technical reps/vendors, marketing/PR, Arts in Healing.

Old/New Business:

            Brad is still looking for suggestions regarding honoring/memorializing Kathi Ellis.  Send these to Brad in

            the next week or two.

            Nominations are also needed for the Karen Willis Award.  Let Brad know of candidates.

With no further business to be brought forward, the meeting was adjourned at 2:15 p.m., and the tour of facilities began.  The next meeting is proposed to be a conference call meeting in late October/early November.

Kentucky Theatre Association

418 W Short Street | Lexington, KY | 40507

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Goal: $1,000.00
Collected: $637.77

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